What DHA can do for you…

We can advise.  We can guide.  We can create.  We can design.  We can analyse.  We can organise.  We will listen.  We will assist and facilitate you in achieving valuable, viable planning permissions.

from the appropriate, to the exceptional…


Concept Urban Design

The layperson’s common view of Urban Design is unfortunately;   ‘Arty-farty’ … ‘airy-fairy’ … ‘load of hot air’.

We ensure that this criticism is not levelled at any projects we undertake. We take great care with the presentation of our Urban Design concepts and ideas: no jargon, just clear and simple illustrations.

It is about simple explanations that everyone can understand; a pragmatic approach to design which is focused on trying to illustrate that our design solutions should satisfy local planners, Committee Members and residents, and that our proposals will  result in new homes which are right for their community.

Fundamentally, Urban Design is a process:  thorough neighbourhood appraisal, design policy review, establishing the design framework, conceiving a ‘vision’ for the design, co-ordinating and steering the design team towards a successful development, and reporting this design development in words and drawings so it is seen to have been undertaken with honesty and integrity….. even if you personally do not want new homes near you.


Our masterplans offer certainty and deliverability of layout and mix - The drawings will look engaging and easy on the eye, simple but informative, implicit and suggestive; but behind the illustrations is a clear understanding of what is being proposed - back-to-back distances that work, development cells that are efficient, sufficient areas to accommodate the cars, etc. etc.

Now for the techy bit. Yes, an innovative approach to the development structure and to the public realm design is a very important element of our service; and we are experienced in evaluating local character, development structure and morphology with the considered approach (promoted by CABE and English Partnerships) that looks beyond the visual dressing to the context and substance of the local character. This consideration and innovation is the approach which LPAs and design panels insist upon…

…but, supporting the ‘vision’ is the hidden value achieved through our experience of detailed, commercially viable residential design - and this, we know, is essential to the success of the process .

Without knowledge and experience of residential planning – without OUR knowledge and experience – developers are often exposed to running with masterplans which end up undeliverable due to being unviable, unbuildable, or failing to achieve local aspirations and standards.

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Put simply: the most important work that we do!

If there is no land purchase, there is no need for a concept, no need for a vision, no need for a planning application - because there is no job.

Because we understand the importance of this part of our service, our appraisal layouts are only drawn up by the company’s Senior Associates, and you benefit from all of their knowledge and experience, to help you make the most informed decision on a site’s viability.

These initial site appraisal layouts maximise the development potential of the site in the context of what will be achievable at planning stage - drawing on our knowledge of the local neighbourhood, and our experience of negotiating with many local Planning Authorities and local interest groups.

Our appraisals are deliverable and our understanding of developers’ appraisal needs is borne out by our exceptional success rate.

Pre-Application Discussions

The pre-application process is an essential ingredient in the recipe for a locally approved planning application.  It can be naïve to see pre-application submissions and negotiations as some kind of administrative hurdle – but to us, every early discussion is an incredibly valuable opportunity to build relationships with council members, officers and more importantly the local people who will be most impacted by the proposals. To collaborate, to understand and to work with the local objectives and strategies, and – hopefully – to persuade. 

As with all of our work, presentation quality is essential to illustrating the proposals in their best light – but we also recognise that in part, we will be conversing professional-to-professional, and the accuracy of the technical, planning and procedural elements of the pre-app will be as important as the appearance.

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Over the years, public consultation has evolved to be more sophisticated, more diverse and more specialised.  We still do drop-in events where locals and stakeholders are invited to view presentation boards and chat about the proposals and how they feel they may impact on their lives, but today this is only one part of a wider strategy of websites, direct mail, flyers, online meetings, roundtables, social media, lobbying, “virtual town halls“, etc etc. 

For a simple consultation we can produce boards and flyers ourselves if required – more often we are asked to contribute presentation material and supporting explanatory material into this more multifaceted process, and to present the proposals and guide the discussions on design.


Once we have listened, we need to present our finalised design solutions in a way that makes planners, local politicians and local people comfortable with what they are seeing. We believe in a very clear mantra: all of the images submitted need to be clear, precise and attractive.

We understand that the quality of the Planning Application is critical. Drawings must be emphasised with realistic colour, to show the proposals in their best light. Supported by a Design and Access Statement, Planning Statement and Landscape Masterplan, a well-presented application will help to convince planners, Councillors and locals alike.

We go that extra mile with the quality of our Planning Applications. It is important to be happy with the submission you make - it assists you in convincing others that the proposal is appropriate for the site..

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Presentation & Visualisation

We believe we have in-house one of the best  visualisation teams in the industry.

The importance of additional presentation material cannot be overstated. A perspective, axonometric, computer generated image, animated fly-through or a scale model will assist the Councillors in understanding and appreciating the proposal before them. After the approval these images give a head-start with the marketing information.

The use of axos, perspectives and models make the proposals 'real' for decision makers and consultees alike; giving you the best chance to get their vote.